What Type of Science Genius are You 🧠?

When you think about your future, what do you envision? 🔮 Some can clearly picture it: days spent in a wet lab, taking tissue cultures. Others imagine data mapping and algorithms. Many — and maybe you, too — don't know which path to follow just yet. And that's okay! 

Do you see yourself as an analytical data scientist 📊, an inventor 🧪, or a machine learning aficionado 💻? This quiz is designed to determine what type of science genius you are — to help you explore the possibilities available at the intersection of science and health. Answer all questions as truthfully as possible to receive the most accurate answer. Good luck in the next step of your education journey, and have fun! 

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You've already got a passion for computers, biology, and solving problems. Now, you're ready to use those interests for the advancement of science, health care, and the greater good. Learn more about the new Biocomputational Engineering degree at the intersection of technology and life science.